Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Charlee turns 2!

Charlee's day:
8:00 am: Wake up! Throw all babies out of the bed and ask Mommy to come in and JUMP with you
8:15am: Doughnut time! You picked the pink one with rainbow sprinkles

Watch Tigger and Pooh and devour your doughnut! Give Daddy kisses and hugs

9:15am: back up to your room for more jumping and getting ready for the park. Snuggles with Mommy in your bed. Deep conversations with Pops and Auntie Katie. Sam slept through the experience

10:00am: Pack up Sam and Girdie and head to the park! Deep conversation with Grandma Sally.

10:15am: Fun at the park! Kite flying, running with Girdie, playing with sand toys and being adorable

You have quite an arm!

Girdie and Daddy in action

Sweet Girl

11:15am: walk home from the park and you insisted that Mommy and Daddy carry you the whole way. It was a workout! Deep conversation with the Koppe's.
11:30am: You requested Chicken, Apple Juice and Fries for your birthday know what that means, "Chic-Fil-A"!
12:00pm: Diggin' in to your chicken and the nice people at Chic-Fil-A gave you a free ice cream cone for your birthday!

12:45pm: Home and you requested watching 'O' Brother Where Art Thou'...Daddy was thrilled

1:00pm: Nigh Nigh time for our sweet birthday girl. You did not protest at all :o)

4:00pm: Up from your nap!...that was a long one :)

4:30pm: Anya comes over to celebrate and brings you an adorable birthday book and balloon!

Sam is still sleeping through the whole experience

7:30pm: Nigh Nigh, Char Char. We love you more than you will ever know.

Some of your favorite things to say are, "blue, nigh nigh, not yet, my turn, love you, Pops!, come home Anya, Ariel, Minnie Mouse, water, and baby Sam." You are such a bright ball of love and energy and we savor every minute with you. xoxo

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