Hard to believe that our precious boy turned one...he is full of spunk, energy, sweetness, but most of all humor. We had an incredible day for his first annual birthday...homemade waffles in the morning and then off to a crazy day at Disneyland! Sam is quite a character and runs (not walks) everywhere. He always has a smile on his face (even if sometimes it is a bit mischievous) and makes passer-by's stop dead in their tracks to comment about how cute he is. At only 17 lb. at a year old he is quite a string bean! He measures in the 50th % for height but is far below the chart for weight. Our pediatrician started using the World Health Organization charts for him so at least he would only be about 10% below the chart for his body mass index! What he lacks in weight, he makes up for in smarts and spunk. He has 6 teeth, 4 on top and 2 on bottom, respectively. He says Mama, Dada, Hi, Woof Woof, Anya, Pop, Ball, Bar Bar and MMmmmmmm. Sam is quite the character and we can't wait to see what his future brings!

Charlee clowning around on Sam's big day!

Both kids crashed out in the BOB

I love this pic of my happy birthday boy

Daddy and Sammers