Monday, March 23, 2009

Stone Family Babysitting!

Our amazing friends, Erin, Josh, Ryann and Emma babysat Charlee for us on Saturday night so that we could have a much needed date night! I can't believe that Ryann is going to be 8 on Charlee's first birthday and that Emma is already 6 1/2! The time has flown by and it is so rewarding for me to see them care for Charlee so sweetly! Erin and I always knew the day would come when her girls would help watch my kids...and here it is. Norm and I went to the place we met- Cheesecake Factory- and then to a movie! It was amazing. Thanks Stone Family for being such incredible friends! An adorable pic Erin took with her phone

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Feeling Better and a new word!

We wanted to update everyone that Charlee is doing great! Her rash is almost off of her face entirely so that is wonderful. She also has a new word...Baba, which in Charlee language means Bottle. She now has 5 words- Dada, Mama, Hi, Yes and Baba. Also, the other night in the car a motorcycle went by and she said Whoa! She needs to do it a couple more times for me to count it :o) Thank you all for your love and support. xoxo!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ice Scream, You Scream, we All Scream for Ice Cream!

So this is a month premature to Charlee's first birthday but we just could not resist with the Marshalls and Andrews all together. We will let the video speak for itself! Also on this same night Charlee took her first step! It must have been all that sugar :o)

~Sarah heart Michael~

We had a great time with the family at Sarah and Michael's engagement party! Charlee and I are so sad to miss the wedding in a week and a half but Norm will represent :o) We are so excited for are some pics of the event.

"Good Grief"- the Movie

Charlee payed a visit to the this picture I think her inner dialogue would go something like this, "what in the bleep is on Anya's head?!?!?"

The fam at the shoot...we are SO proud of Norm!

Fevzi in action

In the infamous words of PH, "That's Hot!"

Celine Dion!

We had a great seats thanks to Adam!

Our pre-concert din yummy it was worthy of a picture

Her legs are just ridiculous! Lucky!