Gramma and Charlee and I had a busy day yesterday on a road trip from OC to Santa Monica to Santa Barbara and back. We had such an incredible time with our family and Charlee was an angel in the car which made the trip even better.
4 Generations with Great Grandma Mary

Cousin Natalie was in town from Oakland and came to visit us...we were so excited to see her 2 times in a couple of weeks!

Charlee watching Great Grandma Mary talk-- she was enamored

'I am a good girl in the car!'

Diane brought Hanna to come see us...they really liked each other and Charlee thought Hanna was very fun to look at. I can't wait to see these two playing together at Thanksgivings for years to come!

Great Aunt Janet is one of our favorite she is with Hanna, Charlee and Gramma.

With the blankie she knit for Charlee

Travellin is tierinn!

We were so surprised and excited when cousin Mike and cousin James stopped by after work to visit. Charlee was super smiley and excited to see them.