Friday, June 6, 2008

I got shots!

Charlee had her 2 month check up today and did really well. She weighs 10lb 11oz, and is 23 inches long. She is in the 50th percentile for weight, 75th for height and 25th for head circumference. We have a tall one on our hands! She got 3 shots and this is a pic of her at home after her shots. This morning Norm stuck his tongue out at her and she kept doing it back. We told the doctor and she said that is not typical until 4 months...she is a smart kid! (well we are a bit bias) She also had baby Tylenol for the first time today and liked it a lot!

'Getting shots is terrible but a snuggle with Daddy makes it all better!'


amcnayr said...

Hi Charlee. Saw this. Thought of you.

Katie said...

We LOVED spending time with Charlee on Friday... what a sweetie. Even after shots! love you!