Thursday, October 8, 2009

18 month check up!

We had Charlee's 18 month checkup this morning and she did great. She is 25 lbs (50th percentile) and 33 inches tall (90th percentile). Long and lean as the Dr. says. Unfortunately she had an ear infection which made us feel like terrible parents for not being able to tell but we were thankful of her timely appointment so we could take care of it.
The doctor also said that her communication is advanced for her age (not a shocker given the Andrews/Harmon jeans in her) and that she will probably be between 5'9" and 6'0" when she grows up...we will see!
She had a few shots but gave the nurse a hug afterward...what a love. When Norm waited for her prescription she "hammed" it up for everyone in the waiting room. We are so thrilled to have such a precious child.

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