Friday, January 15, 2010


We had an absolute blast this Christmas. We hosted the dinner again this year and were so thrilled with the group we had to share this holiday with. Norm and Anya were in charge of the turkey and we put it in a Williams Sonoma Apples and Spices brine for 24 hours before we cooked it. It was seriously the most amazing turkey we have ever had! Being 8 months pregnant during the festivities made it harder for me but thanks to all of the love and helping hands we made it through.
Anya and Norm with the turkey...mighty proud!

Uncles John and Brian joined us this year and brought Charlee a rockin' drum set. It was not long till she was knocking out tunes to beat the band!

Our dear friends the Balli's joined us again this year with their adorable son Daghan. He spent some quality time with Charlee's trike.

Charlee and some of the bags her gifts came in...she uses them as purses.

Me and my baby

Anya spending time with our little man who will most certainly be at Christmas dinner next year!

Grandma, Papo and Great Grandma Shirley brought Charlee all kinds of stuff and it provided for hours of entertainment. Grandma brought Charlee a baby doll which she is obsessed to follow in a future post.
Toward the end of the night, Charlee got a bit tuckered out

The Koppe's were amazing! They came during the day and helped decorate and set up tables and spent a ton of the night playing with Charlee. Charlee was getting sleepy and just wanted to snuggle with them. If you look close you can see the end of her baby dolls bottle. She carried that thing everywhere!

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