and the old man is snoring! We are experiencing our first thunder and lightning storm of the year and Charlee is loving it. This morning I pulled her into bed with me at 6:15 to listen to the rain...she was too funny...every time the thunder boomed she said, "Thunder, I like it! Ooooooo." It was so precious and I loved the warm, cozy, snuggle time.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Hangin' Out
These two kiddos are best buddies...Sam tries to do everything Charlee definitely keeps us on our toes! Here are some fun pictures from the last week:
Eating Cheerios together
Sam showing off his first tooth...when looking at the picture it is bottom left :o)
Charlee channeling my Granny is uncanny!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Daddy Daughter Time
While Sam and I were bonding with the Marshall's, Norm and Charlee got a very deserved Daddy, Daughter Date Weekend. I will have many pictures to add to this post but I have to get them off of Norm and Anya's camera. On Friday night they went to Disneyland and then had dinner at BJ's precious.
Saturday they spent the day at the LA County Fair with Grandma and Papo and Sunday they completed the weekend by going back to Disneyland and bringing Anya and Pops with them.
Sam just turned 8 months old and he is growing up before our very eyes. He is ON THE MOVE crawling around, pulling himself up and climbing onto anything he can...we have another active one! Saturday was an exciting day because he cut his first tooth! To ring in his newly discovered eating device we decided to try Cheerios...he loved them! The best part is that Charlee loves feeding him as many Cheerios as she can...they are so funny together.
Strike a Pose
Nora Madeleine turned one month today and Katie posted this picture of her sleeping...I almost fell out of my chair because I have the SAME picture of Sam at one month. I swear it is destiny...if they get married one day these shots are for sure playing during the wedding slide show...hehe!
~ Nora ~ One Month ~
+ Sam + One Month +

San Jose x 2
Sam and I ventured up North for a fabulous weekend with the Marshall's. We travelled Saturday morning about 45 minutes North of San Jose to take some pictures for Ben's 6 month milestone and Sam and I snuck in a few ourselves :o) Their awesome photographer, Danielle Capito and her boyfriend, Adam, caught some great pics. If you are in Central/NoCal and looking for an incredible up-and-coming photographer here is her blog:

Jenny got the boys matching outfits so that we could get some pics of them together...there were lions on their tooshies...too cute! Sam liked to climb on his cousin.

Adam caught this shot of Sam and me...I cherish it
I can't begin to tell you what it took to get this picture of Ben...Jenny and I have never looked so dorky dancing around, making silly faces and being total goofballs. We gave Jim a lot of teasing material for years to come...but it was worth it...look at that face!

Could Gracie be any more beautiful??? I call her Princess can see why.
I was in San Jose for business just a few days after my first trip with Sam. I was childless for the night which enabled me to spend a ton of time with Gracie and Ben. Charlee got Beauty and the Beast for them and Gracie and I spent some serious snuggle time on the couch. Love these precious Marshall babies!

Adam caught this shot of Sam and me...I cherish it

Could Gracie be any more beautiful??? I call her Princess can see why.

I realize that my blog efforts have been lagging in a major way...and so many exciting things are happening in the Leonard family! I am going to go on a blogging blitz so prepare yourselves! Here are two pics of us at Costco(a favorite Leonard hangout) with my "big kids." This was the first time Sam rode in the seat of the cart...he thought it was pretty fantastic.
Discussing their purchases
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