This picture cracks me up...they have the same smile!

My precious, curious, confident and kind boy...

With Grandma

Aunt Katie and the future Mrs. Leonard...Nora :o)

Aunt Jenny and Yoda Ben

Aunt Katie of course amazed us all with her incredible cookie skills...Yoda, Darth Vader and a Storm Trooper...to cool to eat!

My dear friend and colleague Susan dressed her hair just like Princess Leia...amazing!

Grandpa Jack got in on the action!

Anya, Grandma and Aunt Sarah!

The future Mr. and Mrs. Herman and Parker joined us...Parker was an angel and so fun!

Anya with her girls

Yoda Sam

Everyone got into the inflatable light sabers...they were incredible weapons and no one got hurt!

Check out Christian, Eric and Norm's face as the fend off the 3 year old Carter...classic.

Our friend and neighbor Karen made these unbelievable collage chairs for the kids...so thoughtful!

Sammers and his cake

Mommy trying to get a bite...

"Straight to your face MOM!"

"And DAD!"

The cake smashing aftermath...love it!

This picture melts my heart

Shrine to Sam

The best picture of Pops EVER!

Such a great picture of Anya in the bounce house...

Crashed out after the big day!
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